Sunday, March 2, 2008

CO Member of the Month: Yong Jun

Yong Jun

COngratulations to Yong Jun! You've won yourself the CO Member of the Month position! Now you ask, wasn't it CO Member of the Week? Well, it was only a matter of time before someone realized that there weren't enough CO members for one CO member a Week, and that someone happened to be me! Okay, let's give the spotlight back to Yong Jun.

Yong Jun
Age: Older than a JY
Height: Taller than a JY
Weight: Heavier than a JY

YJ is one of the few people keeping yangqin afloat, after Wenqiang left, with Mok totally slacking and Johnathan still sec 2. Sadly Yong Jun is leaving after June for Shanghai, and he's bringing his yangqin along. Next year, Mok will the the sec 4 yangqin player ZOMG and Gilbert will be gone, so it's safe to say that yangqin will be just Johnathan and the 2 sec ones.

Yong Jun teaching the sec ones!

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