Tuesday, December 18, 2007

CO / Tanbo outing

Hi guys!

Don't you think our blog looks great? Well special thanks to Jiayu for revamping the blog, adding the slideshow etc! Btw, Jiayu is the cute one in the orange shirt. Somewhere in the slideshow =)

So anyway, if you guys don't read egrp,

We'te thinking of planning a full day outing next week.

Right now we have three choices:

1) Sentosa - highlights to be Cineblast, Songs of the Sea, Skytower, Luge and skyride
2) Night Safari
3) Escape theme park
4) Ice skating / bowling / pool - (others)

Right now the date is set at tentatively this Sunday - Monday. Hopefully it doesn't rain.

Those interested message me at 93857879 the day you can make it, your choice, and other suggestions if any. Please help to spread the word around!


1 comment:

jy said...

Hey, we could just use the time to chiong holiday homework.