Monday, December 3, 2007

TANbo rhapsody, the tanbo blog.

I wonder how many of us (tanbo members) actually frequently check this blog for updates. Well not that there have been any recently, but well being the Tanbo blog, I really hope that can come a day where we can tell of our pride and passion of being Tanbo members. (I know what you're thinking, its like: "errrrrrrrrr...") But anyway, blogs can prove to be quite useful especially when dissiminating information, and lessen workload for our beloved SL.

So, eh, what are you gonna do about it? That we're not visiting our own blog.

Ok, lets start a fun WHO KNOWS THE SECRET PASSWORD GAME, shall we?

If Eugene randomly asks you for the secret password, and you don't know the secret password, you die. Ok, if you don't wanna die you play Jingle Bells on your instrument. And sing along. (Or actually any other random piece that Eugene might favor, since hes King).

This week's secret password is: I DON'T KNOW THE SECRET PASSWORD

Eh ok SHHH don't go round telling. Its secret. And besides you would want to see your friends getting tortured by playing Jingle Bells. So lets see you next Sectionals on Wednesday at 2pm with the Secret password I guess.


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