Sunday, January 20, 2008

New directive: attendance and conduct

This is from Ren Yan:

In short, attendance WILL be taken. No ponning or coming late to practice without accepted reasons. RICO is our core CCA, so have more ownership in it.

Dear all,

This is primarily directed at SLs, but I'd like all of you to see it as well.

In alignment with our directive to tighten discipline as a large core CCA, we will be implementing stricter rules with regard to attendance.

With effect from 21st Jan (next Monday's sectionals), all SLs will take attendance during practice and send an sms to myself by 9pm, with a list of absentees and excuses (if any).

Practice excuse forms will be finalized one last time and will become mandatory by February.

All SLs are required to send attendance for their charges for all practices this year to date - the 5th, 7th, 12th and 14th of January - to Samuel as well as myself ( and by this Sunday.

We will be doing the necessary tracking, and figuratively hunting down those who choose to absent themselves at their own will.

Appropriate actions will be taken and implemented along with the demerit point system by the March holidays.

We cannot tolerate members who persistently waive their obligation to this CCA.

We trust that members will be responsible enough to tell us of any other commitments warranting missing practice as early as possible.

Thank you all for your cooperation.

Ren Yan

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