Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A New Year.

Tanbo, lets start anew shall we? A new year comes with a new start. And new rules.

Since we have a new teacher, it would be rather appropriate to give ourselves a chance to start anew and keep the teacher-student relationship good, since ahem last year our sectionals weren't exactly the best that we could have.

1. Be punctual. (Ok try to be punctual, I know the RJCCO room is farrrrrrrr away). Make sure you reach the classroom latest 3.45.

2. Greet the teacher. Be it in Chinese or English or (Mr Seetoh knows cantonese btw) what-have-you, please greet. Even a "Hi Mr Seetoh" would be great.

3. Start preparing (tuning and de-rusting your strings) straightaway. I don't really understand why some of you can stone and stare blankly in the air even when the teacher is right in front of you. If you need some time to settle down after the walk from RJC, at least pretend to start preparing =).

4. Sit in sections. (As far as possible, sit together as a section, be it Zhongruan section or whatver. Looking out for each other's mistakes and having xiao-xiao-zu together is good =).

5. Be on your best behaviour at all times =). Sectionals are precious time for practice. If you haven't realized, RICO is having two practices are week compared to most ccas with 3, so treasure your time in sectionals. Lets try as hard as possible to obtain a clean sheet this year! That is, zero (teacher-walking-out-in-anger-and-students-feeling-at-loss situations).

=) =) =) Last week was full attendance for tanbo! At least minus yangqin section, who hmmm I believe are at hard work too. So keep it up! =) =) =)

Rock on.

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