Saturday, May 5, 2007

Honestly speaking

Upon reading what Wenqiang wrote as his parting words for Tanbo, I think we all know it hasn't been the first time that he has put himself down so severely. I quote from his last post:
A SL who does check attendance regularly, A SL who has to delegate his tasks to others, A SL who always critizes tanbo's standard when his own skills are woefully inadequate.
Indeed, he might have been estranged from the rest of Tanbo because of the different practice venues. There were definitely inconveniences caused by this, but I'm convinced that what he has been doing for Tanbo so far has been nothing but great - being one "who
does check attendance regularly", "delegate[s] his tasks to others", and "always criticizes Tanbo's standard". The pumping and all sorts of unprecedented initiatives he came up with, though time-wasting, was actually quite all right, in retrospect. Of course, he may think that he has not put in his greatest effort; but really, who can safely say that they can do so for everything? With the outrageously busy RP schedule we all have to endure with? Most importantly, however, is the fact that he has dutifully carried out all his responsibilities and have had the courage to criticize himself before others, is honestly something commendable.

Is that woefully inadequate? I seriously think not.

Jun Sean

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