Tuesday, May 1, 2007

タッキー&翼 (Sotsugyou ~ Sayonara wa Ashita no Tameni (Graduation Farewell is for Tomorrow))

Yo. This is Valance, signing in for perhaps the last time in this blog. Therefore, my post may be longer than usual, cause its highly unlikely that I will ever post again...

Firstly, the reasons are many. However, this decision is reached solely by myself and has nothing to do with anybody. Blogs is gradually becoming more and more of a hassle for me, due to a heavy workload this year. As a rule, I always like to make my posts long and meaningful, something which I have been failing to do all the day. Thus, I cannot no longer ensure the quality of my posts, due to my hectic schedule. And posting in chinese is even more troublesome, as I type very slowly; so thats one of the reasons why I decided to stop as well.

Secondly, I have been accused (and rightly so) that I have been abusing this site, painstakingly created by others for the tanbo, and using it as my personal blog. I can find no defence against their accusations, and I feel extreme shame for I have been violating the sacred unspoken rules set down when this blog was created. This is called a "tanbo blog", and not a personal one. I should not be abusing it and flaunting this site as my own, posting nonsensical emotional topics that have nothing to do with RICO and tanbo. (something that I should never have done) In the words of a certain individual, if I wanted to post about my personal life, then I should have gotten a blog of my own. (something that I agree with) Thus, I feel that I have no right to post anymore.

Thirdly, if I were to post timing and schedule of practice times and dates, I can just call people directly. This ensures that the flow of information is continued. Posting on a blog, a blog which many people never bothers to check daily, would be fatal if someone never receives the information. In so doing, it reflects a laziness on the part of the SL, and blame should be solely laid on him.

Theres no doubt that this year's Exco and leaders are inept, as compared to previous years. And I am clearly one of the worst SLs tanbo has ever had the misfortune to have. A SL who does check attendance regularly, A SL who has to delegate his tasks to others, A SL who always critizes tanbo's standard when his own skills are woefully inadequate. Really, I'm serious, a grave mistake was made when I was chosen as SL. Being from the yangqin section, I cannot ensure that practice is carried out properly with discipline. However, since the task was laid on me, I can find no excuse to explain my negligence of tanbo. I have no right to point out faults in others, when I can inspire no confidence in them.

Looking back at this year and the last, I think I have truly found my place with RICO. I feel a sense of belonging. And I am also pride of tanbo. Tanbo has consistently been more disciplined and passionate than the other sections (I know I'm going get flamed, but since its my last post, who cares). In the current batch of sec 2s and 3s, I can really feel hope for the years to come. In them, I see people who can redeem and exceed the current batch of leaders. We have the pro people in our group like Kwang Yi, Chun Yin, Eugene, Chang Cheng, Jia Huang... They have the passion and skills of which most can never match. My only regret is that my way of running of tanbo has stunted their growth, and prevented them from realizing their true potential.

Another example of the sec 3s pwning is how they take the initative to come up with new ideas and concepts. In fact, this very blog was their product. One which I feel unworthy to take part in. I just wanted you guys to know... all of tanbo, that I am very proud to have you in my section. And grateful that you guys tolerated me and my nosense ideas. Like pumping, and writing essays..

Next moving on to CO in general, guys realize that since we changed a conductor, times are going to change. We can never go back to the days where we slacked during dazu under Mr Yeo. Like they always say, "New head, new times" We can no longer expect Mr Lim to tolerate us coming late, talking and playing a fool. We already saw the limit of his patience during Last Friday's dazu. After the session, I felt sad. Our first dazu after SYF, and we had to be scolded and adominished. Please, unless you have a valid reason, try to be fully prepared and in your seat 15 min before practice officially starts. Missing scores should also be found before dazu, another reason why Mr Lim was so mad.

I know alot of people skipped practice. To some of them, they might have felt that after SYF, there was no meaning in CO practice. To some, they might have felt that their trust was betrayed as they assumed we would be having a 1 month holiday. Well, the teachers may have been wrong to resume practice just 2 weeks after SYF, but you are also in the wrong if you do not come to practice after being reminded about it. After all, two wrongs dun make a right.

I implore everybody to be discplined during practice, regardless of xiaozu or dazu. Its okay for you to laugh at a joke told by the conductor, but keep quiet when he wants your attention. You guys have the power of technology: MSN, SMS, handphones, homephones, blogs. Is it so hard to talk about other stuff at a later time?

I address this to the entire CO, though I can say that tanbo's discpline while okay, still leaves much to be desired. We have Cheng Xiang and Jowie chatting during dazu, and Diwei occasionally trying to stop them... We have Jiayu being a comedian and his seniors playing along with him when things are serious. I know its natural for young kids to be active, but please respect the conductor when hes around.

Now, I will end off by commenting on each section...

Cello section: the cello people like Edmund and Vincent are perhaps the most discplined people in CO. They never talked unnessarily. Edmund is famous for his non-veral persuasion speech for last year's leaders allocation. Lol

Chuiguan section: a generally talented bunch, cause under the guidance of a strict and fierce teacher. Renyan shows extreme potential. jing hua is just plain weird. even though I borrowed his tuner and plug for 6 months, does not mean he has the right to kick me out of the dizi practice classroom together with the entire section just because I asked to borrow again. And Kah Khang? You are doing very well already. Keep it up! You can do it!

Huqin section: a mixed bag, has many talented people, yet some are average (not saying who). Unfortunately, their discpline is quite bad, when Yu Chen's not around.

Percussion: Home to the most talented people CO has witnessed. We had Bing Liang, Thomas, Ying Kwan, Cake (Tze en), Ai Di (Darren), and Patrick. Still hoping their discpline will improve...

Tanbo Section: Strictly personal, but you guys are the best. We have passion and skills. Really glad that I am in this section... Yeah...thats it...

Well thats it. Perhaps the last you're see of me. Its been good while it lasted.


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