Saturday, May 5, 2007

An Open Letter

Dear Wen Qiang,

I don't know if you're reading this, but I hope you are.

I take back everything that I criticized you for. I take back all my comments about you taking over the tanbo blog. 
I see it now, that you are immensely hurt.

I and most of tanbo have seen you blame yourself for everything that tanbo and the CO does. 
I for one have seen you go into despair at comments directed at section members. 
And I apologize for not doing the same. I as the so-called 'de facto' SL apologize for calling myself that. I should stand up and bear tanbo's misery as well.

How did that feel? Fun? Sadistic? Satisfying? Did you like reading what you write?

Wen Qiang, we recognize your limitations. We know where we have gone wrong. It's just that we, to put it in a suitably 'sensitive' way, have not attained the emotional maturity needed to see the pain and stupidity with which we act.

Wen Qiang, we are not dumb. And you are not dumb either.

Taking the heat for everything that we do is not noble. It is not glorious, it is not inspiring. You are our Sectional Leader. Leader. Have you ever thought about that?

'A leader is a dealer in hope.'
Napoleon Bonaparte

Pray tell, how are you going to lead by committing hara-kiri and backing down every time something happens? You are indeed concerned for us. That I know. But as a classmate, CCA mate and friend, I order you to stand up and fight. Not break down into emotional anguish every 
time something attacks. 

Yes, I order you.

I know that you are concerned for us. PT, the speeches and so on. I saw the labours that you took to prepare your speech. So, for our sake and yours, stop tearing yourself apart. If you really care for us, I have one piece of advice: go out there and show the flag. Stop putting on a show
of emotions.

I am sorry to have to bring this up in such a way, but I really see no choice. 

Tanbo, I have not forgotten you. We must rally behind Wen Qiang. He is, after all, our SL. I shall not further attempt to fuck around with tanbo and his name. For, from today onwards, we are one again.

We shall help each other to overcome. 

“The strongest have their moments of fatigue”  --- Friedrich Nietzsche
“Hope is the struggle of the soul, breaking loose from what is perishable, and attesting her eternity” --- Herman Melville

Di Wei

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