Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Today's lesson. Was. Rather. Maybe very. Weird. His house is like so hard to find. Its not even on the map. Talk about being alone. Its like in the middle of some jungle or something. Not in the middle, but its so isolated and deserted that its rather "与世隔绝" you know. But his house is cool. Being a teacher must rock. I mean, you get to do what you like everyday, and then you can stay at home and enjoy life while your students come to your doorstep. Even if its so in-the-middle-of-nowhere type. As for the lesson, I think he pointed out so many mistakes in my basics that I felt like Mr lhl (I won't use full name, it would only make it easier for him to find this blog) didn't exist la. But maybe I really suck. He's quite a nice guy, not as scary as I thought. I really should practice more so that he can move on to more advanced stuff, perhaps. Any teacher would lose interest in teaching if his students don't improve.

Thats all, I guess.

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