Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Hi, to keep the blog alive and to be random im sharing a quote : “终身役役而不见其成功,(nie)然疲役而不知其所归,可不哀耶!” let me briefly explain before explaining the relation, 一生努力无成,一世疲劳而无归宿,多悲哀! looks strange, but the actual ideology behind this is to look at different perspectives and youll see the light, seriously. Ok, this may sound lame but this is equally important when practicing instrument, im serious. Its like when you practice, dont think like this is dam hard, im gonna fail, dam hard dam hard. Rather, you should look at a different perspective, i dont know about other sections but for tanbo instrument its a very basic perspective, isnt it just tan n tiao? I dont know if you can fully get what im saying but think about it, theres meaning to it :) (before i forget bibliography to zhuangzi)
yippee tanbo blog survives on!!!!!!!!!!

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