Wednesday, June 6, 2007


..........chun yin, please tell me the last part wasnt lame.... Anyway

these few pics are from the words 琵,中阮,柳. bibliography from kwang yi n junyu lol they show me during practice. The liu i tried one, i tot of chunyin liuqin stand OO. Hope this adds to the lameness here :)

A picture speaks a thousand words, lemme count till now i have said 1061 words. Eh come tanbo jokes, Where is jy's liuqin? it liu zou (溜走) le. Actually theres another answer, guess? It pao diao (跑调) le. I give one IQ question, Guess why do tanbo string not make sounds during practice? BEcause.........琴闲(弦). I shall walk faster so i dont get lame, bb :)

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