Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Monday's practice was rather fruitful I guess? Perhaps we should set aside about 20 minutes of each practice just to listen to songs. 20 minutes of each dazu or sectionals, just to listen to the songs that we're supposed to learn and play. If the teacher has arrived by then, then he/she could listen together with us =). After all, playing a new song is just like wandering in the darkness... unknown of what lies ahead. Some time would be needed to make out what the song is actually about, before we can actually play it confidently... just like 莱佛士,for the part where the different sections are supposed to come in one after another, its a bit difficult because we are unsure of the exact time to come in... so if we listened to the song beforehand... while referring to the scores, we would have a better idea of the song and naturally... we would have a clearer idea of rhythm, notes, tempo, etc. All these is... provided we have the MP3. But this shouldn't be too difficult, most of the songs that we're playing have actual recordings.

Attendance wasn't too bad... just that people like Jiayu, Yi nan, Cheng Xiang were absent for some reason... (I'm not saying they ponned... but I believe that they had a good reason for being absent)... Wherever you are, if you're listening, just remember that Tanbo misses you!

Mr Ling HL looked quite happy =). We should try to keep him this way =). Really. Teachers have a tough time trying to make sure that they do their job well... and the least we can do is to practice practice practice so as not to disappoint them! Yeap.

驼铃响叮当 rocks! It would be great if tanbo could play it well... next concert! Or at random events like CIP at Old Folk's Home or whatever! Im really really not trying to sound sarcastic but we can do it! Who wants to practice + mug + random hang around on Friday? =)

Oh yea. About the yellow squishy ball... Im really sorry I brought it and distracted Tanbo for a while... We really shouldn't be playing "hit the target" during sectionals... and furthermore it was in a classroom... Against the school rules... I'll... bring a bigger ball next time! No just kidding...

Oh. And I just received a sms from Mr Qian Dong Heng...

A 992 i
n0279q biquT2
2m2 pni992
.2iHT 9>IiI

(use mirror to read)
(pls dun erase! Its really interesting!)


Er... sorry about the random thoughts in this post... Thats all from me in a courageous attempt to revive the blog! =)

Chun Yin

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