Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Boing Boing! lemme spam alittle................i boing i boing i boing.........*bobobo,bobobo,tanbo-o-o-ing* (sing to tune of jingle bells)
In case this post gets cancels cos its deem as spam, lemme ask a question :) If lsh was a tiger, why would she be happy if lhl was hurt? Ok this is only a random question, its not real.isit?i dont think so. Anwayway the reason for what i have said above is as follows: 龙疼虎悦, hope you get it :) lhl is cool :) wadeva.........i need to continue spamming.
Tanbo boing TAnbo BOing Boing all the way

Tanbo Tan, Tanbo Tan,
Taning all the way,
Oh what fun it is to Tan
On a Tanbo holiday! :)
*instead of the "hay!" juz pick up an instrument and "tan" *

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