Thursday, June 14, 2007

Importance of tan tiao

:) if you wan to be 无人 please also cover up people's names, you get what i mean. :) Anyway heres the new camp packlist for tanbo:

-Wallet (must have 50 dollars at least inside so each can steal around 30-40 dollars leaving 10 dollars for emergency)

-Handphone (bring the best one you have, we will appreciate your effort)

-Ball (this one you dunno why can bo-ing *especially for tanbo ppl*)

-Any expensive jewellry (if possible)

-If your instrument is expensive please do bring :)

All gainings will go to the tanbo fund :)

Optional items to bring:
-Yourself (strictly optional, just bring valuables)
-your brain (basically valuables are more important)
-change of clothes (unless its branded)
-water bottle (unless branded)

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