Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Back to normal.

yo guys. Happy to see me posting in English? Finally not so emo today, so decided to blog normally today. So far, theres nothing interesting going on. Today was pretty much an uneventful day. Its Learning Journey... sianz. First let me recount why it was a utter waste of time..

I came to school around 7.30, stoned around in class until 8. Tried damn hard to go to sleep, but apparently the entire class was in mugging fever for chem. Shouting here and there for hints and clues. Walao, they can't just understand that there are approximately 5 people in RI's sec 4 batch that do not take chem... Yeah call me stupid or whatever, but I know I'm destined for ITE (Its The End)

Ironically, we went to ITE for our learning journey, for a supposed Total Defence lesson. The bus was late for arounf 1/2 hour, so took out my cheap china mp3 to listen. I only realized that it was at Half Battery. Damn it, should have charged last night, but too late. I had to conserve the energy left. So I could not go all out and listen to my collection of 1/2h songs.

Once again, people commented on my torn jacket. Now I admit that my jacket looks weird, being torn in all places. After all I dragged it in a pool of mud and water before, used it in a tug-of war. When I left it behind at RJC, apparently not even the cleaners want it. But yeah, it serves its purpose anyway.

So back to the ITE. They listened to a lecture and got a free package. and it was here that I wondered, where was the TOTAL DEFENCE ELEMENT? everything seemed to be media propogation that tried its failing best to convince people to choose ITE. their video involved random students annoucing their love for ITE.. Lol

After that, we got taken to a brief tour of the surroundings. Some of the machinery were interesting but the only thing that caught my eye was the media interaction department. They had this freaking cool blue room to take their videos in and they could change the background at will using their computers. Charles got jacked and went into the blue area. The Media people then changed the environment to LAs Vegas. LOL. Chinaman lost in Las Vegas. haha.

Refreshment was quite okay, but the sandwiches seemed to go out of stock pretty fast. by the time, I went for second helping, I faced a empty table. sigh...

Next, we went back into the hall for a last lecture about animation. We ended off by doing some survey forms and some questions about ITE's scopes. We returned school half an hour late as a result. Thanks man.

The biggest question is how aggresive media propogation of their school has anything to do with ITE. Maybe someone planning the event got some stuff mixed up? Still, it was a waste of time.

Now, on to CO matters. be advised that this is strictly meant for tanbo. Now Mr yeo is still sick and unable to come back. Me and Yu Chen (the Huqin SL if ya dunno) were thinking of creating a compliation album which includes videos of us playing some of Mr Yeo's songs. I was thinking that tanbo should come together and play 欢欣, the version that was originally meant for tanbo. not sure about cello, but we can always rearange the scores. And I want every section to come out with some sort of ensemble or solo item. Best to be ensemble, cause its as a single group. For pipa, maybe Kwang Yi can play his item with Yee Siang again.

Since moving of yangqin is a concern, I was thinking of holding this session on Tues or thurs. normally RJCO is not using it, so we can use CO room for our video background. Now I know, you guys dun have a lot of time and have a lot of tests. Some of you may have other commitments during these days, so I'm imploring you guys to put aside 1 or 2 such days for this session. I hope to have this video done before the end of term 2. So currently, its sorta confirmed that its on either tues or thurs, unless a majority suggests another day.

there, cya next time

PLS NOTE: take 2 min off and watch this video at .Its my first ever created music video. I know there are people who dun give a hoot about anime music videos but give some opinions can? I must be getting desperate to promote my video like this...


1 comment:

me said...

eh wen qiang. why dun we do it on fri la. ask lin xiang bin to conduct one time long or whatever, then we play and you record. and then for the ensemble song, we can probably do it during a wed self prac. its easier this way.