Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Valance here. We had our celebration lunch at the dead man's land in RI (spooky eh?) Ghosts and spectrals threatened to choke our last breaths but LAO ZHENG scared them away with his holy aura.

haha, lunch was pretty much sad and pathetic, with low quality food (did anyone see those vegetables?) Still it was nice of Ms Lim to treat us all considering it came out of her pocket money. Thats around 60 people plus instructors. Wow, I'm surprised she did not ask yanwei to sponsor. If Yanwei agreed to sponsor and told us to keep the change, the entire of Singapore will be a shiny gold dot, if it does not submerge into the ocean. LOL

I sat with the star-studded crowd at the HOLY table. We had Yihao: Sheng SL, Zhen Xiao: Vice Chair, Diwei: Secretary, Yanwei: RICO sponsor, Yuchen: Huqin SL, me: Tanbo Sl, Yonghseng: Dizi pro, KAH KANG: the uprising suona star...AND LAO ZHENG!!!!

Lol, we were too interested in worshipping Lao Zheng with offerings that we almost forgotten to eat ourselves. As usual, only Lao Zheng can eat first, otherwise occuring his heavenly wrath. I forgot this fact, and saw the Qingyuism God Mark outside my house in the dead of night later. Thus I paid the price by doing 200 pushups in front of it before LAo Zheng was pleased.

But back to the lunch, apparently Lao Zheng eats his soup with chopsticks. WAH. Damn imbar.
But we had a couple of impertinent young skirts who sought to emulate Lao Zheng by being their usual crazy self. They include Yong Jun, Jiayu and perhaps Chunyin or Eugene. Apparently, they thought it amusing to barbecue meat on top of the charcoal in the steamboat...lol. Jokes aside, but it would create more inconvience for the owners there. But as they say, "Kids are kids. One must take a lighthearted approach to kids, asuming with fatalistical faith that maturity will arrive someday." Lol

Later on, after lunch was finished, Zhen Xiao and Shi Heng led everybody in a cheer for teachers. (It is noted that Shi Heng rarely says anything. I dun mean to be insurbordinate but its a sad fact of life that the second-in-command is always the noticable one) Sent a encouraging message to Mr Yeo with yu chen. Yu Chen did not say which school he was from, so most likely Mr Yeo thought he was a random spammer. Thus, he did not get a reply "thank you" like I did. Lol

Afterwards went to do chinups with Yu Chen, Zhenxiao and YY. All damn imbar, except me...Sigh.. Yu chen was almost poledancing on the bar.. Anyway, seems that its been a worry that when the sec 4s leave, CO is gonn suffer. Well, without LAo Zheng, obviously. But really, Sec 1s-3s, have confidence in yourself, the sec 4s are not that pro. Well, its been a long post, so cya again nxtime...

Quote of the week: "If god can do anything, can he make a stone he cannot lift? Ans: Lao Zheng, Lao Zheng is the answer to all paradoxes"

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