Wednesday, April 11, 2007


just checked the marks for this term's Progress Report. One word: BAD...
OMG. i actually got better marks for bio than phy. Thats wrong. considering that physics had only 2 assessments I think. Ones the practical, the others the CCT. Which I screwed up both...

Chinese was a pleasant surprise, I think I got top of class. LOL. something to be happy about then. Eng and Lit were not up to expectations and I forgot to check Hist's marks. DAMN. Oh and maths was barely scraping 60. Not bad lah, considering half my class failed outright or in the dreaded "yellow zone". But then again, most people in my class suck at maths, so not very good comparison.

AH. so many things to do. I must do at least 10 chin-ups for NAPHA, get back my 3.6 for maths, get 3.6 overall for these year. These hard-core gyming and training plus mugging. Sigh...

RE was rather slack today. (Like always) Malani D'crux was late (as usual) for around half an hour and me and Yu Chen went to RJ to get snacks. We discuused our book club books "The Giver" which was rather meaningful. However, there was several parts where the topic shifted to whether the giver was gay. LOL Intense debate followed. And I ended up applying for sponsorship on behalf on the group. Damn Yanwei, if only he donated some of his money, we can afford anything now.

Going gyming tmr with Yu chen, my first time gyming actually. Hope its the start of something new and consistent. And PLAY! Concert is finally out. June 15,16 tickets at 20-70 bucks. Must get 70 bucks ticket, its a freaking once in a lifetime opportunity. Seems like only I found out first. Am I the only one who reads newspapers? Rhetorical Question. Obviously yes.

Tmr is a great day. Slack lessons all the way which ends off with a free period. Alba is not coming for English. YAY!!! haha, I was kinda screwed by her today. the entire class owe her 120 pushups, I was giving a warning for practicing long teng paigu skills on the table. I ended up standing for the rest of the lesson. Luckily punishment was not something lame. Last time, the class sang birthday songs to the bushes outside the raja block. Damn funny. Conviently, I went to the toilet and watched the entertainment. my class saw me and all cursed at me. Lol, made a few enemies...

Anyway, cya again next time. with me around, this blog has no fear of being dead. Unless I die myself of course


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